Vidusskolas skolēni tiek aicināti tikties ar Gabiju Žukauskaiti, kura konsultē skolēnus par iespējām iestāties labākajās ārvalstu univresitātēs. Tie, kuri vēl nav reģistrējušies, lūdzu piereģistrēties dotajā saitē.
Dear students,
You're invited to a presentation on admissions to the top universities in the world, which will be led by Gabija Žukauskaitė, an alumna of King's College London representing Atlas Academy. In the five years, Atlas Academy has helped dozens of students to get into the top universities such as Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Cambridge, LSE, Sciences Po and many others, often with full scholarships. If you'd like to hear about admissions within the best institutions of higher education in the United States and Western Europe, get some useful tips on how they could improve your applications as well as know more about study experience at each of these destinations, please fill out this registration form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1XDMXWvRrASXEp0j5CZlbgIfcjbujmvtGJf6HZK23mms/edit.
Date: 8th of February (Wednesday)
Time: 15:00Location: Room 121,
Riga State Gymnasium No. 2